Àngels Miralda joins airWG team

From the airWG we want to welcome Àngels Miralda, a local curator selected in our last call, who will join our team of volunteers.

Angels describes her curatorial practice as "secret politics of materiality", with the belief that materials contain embedded meanings, relating to global chains of extraction, trade, and industry. Her recent exhibitions have drawn on art historical research into Arte Povera, neo-materialisms, and the roots of Installation Art to create parallels between artists' materials and global industry. She has organized exhibitions at the Tallinn Art Hall, MGLC - International Center for Graphic Arts in Ljubljana, Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic in Zagreb, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chile, Museu de Angra do Heroísmo in the volcanic archipelago of the Azores, and the Latvian Center for Contemporary Art. Her work has been published in Artforum, Collecteurs Magazine, and Arts of the Working Class.

Her participation was made possible thanks to the Mondriaan Fonds.

Thank you Àngels Miralda, for your willingness to add courage and a dose of professionalism. Welcome!

Stay tuned, as we will announce new activities from airWG, very soon.


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